New Zealand Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal
New Zealand Skeptics


Printed MatterWeb SitesSpecial Topics



Printed Matter

Information Flyers

Here are a series of flyers in PDF format which you can print using Adobe Acrobat. If you don't already have Acrobat on your system, here is where you can get it for free.

The flyers are designed to be printed on both sides, in landscape-format and then folded into threes, so be sure you have your printer set up accordingly. You are welcome to distribute these at will.

We will be adding to this list as we do more of these. If you have a particular topic you think we should cover, please let us know!


Our primer, New Zealand Skeptics, an introduction to critical thinking is available free to libraries and media. Contact us to order your copy.


A book library and a video library are available for member use.


Prometheus Books - "the premier publisher to challenge the claims of paranormal believers"

Aristotle's Books, 167 Symonds Street, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand. Open Tuesday through Saturday 10 am to 7 pm. Come and visit the skeptics section of titles including books debunking the New Age and relgion in general while drinking coffee from their small coffee shop.
Contact: Shop manager,

Conference Posters

Here are a the posters used for the Skeptics Conference starting from 2001in PDF format which you can print using Adobe Acrobat. If you don't already have Acrobat on your system, here is where you can get it for free.

Click here for 61kb PDF Click here for 43kb PDF Click here for 456kb PDF Click here for 935kb PDF Click here for 520kb PDF Click here for 327kb PDF Click here for 468kb PDF Click here for 486kb PDF

Darwin Day Poster

Click here for 911kb PDF

Darwin Day Quote Posters

Here are a set of A4 PDFs, each containing two A5-sized posters (with spot colour) covering quotes relating to Darwin, evolution and items of a skeptical nature.

Click here for 205kb PDF Click here for 194kb PDF Click here for 212kb PDF Click here for 207kb PDF Click here for 225kb PDF

Web Sites

Recommended by Skeptics

  • Sensing Murder — a detailed analysis of how a "sceptic" can be fooled
  • $100,000 PSYCHIC CHALLENGE - Stuart Landsborough challenges psychics to demonstrate their abilities, with a $100,000 prize. More on the challenge here.
  • Skeptic Web Ring - Find out more here
  • Anti-Quackery Web Ring - Find out more here
  • EvoWiki: List of creationist arguments - Ethics
  • What is a bright?
    A bright is a person who has a naturalistic worldview
    A bright's worldview is free of supernatural and mystical elements
    The ethics and actions of a bright are based on a naturalistic worldview
    Find out more here
  • Evidence Based Thought - An exercise in critical thinking

Contact us if you would like to recommend a website.

New Zealand Government, NGOs

  • Medsafe
    How medicines are regulated
    Herbal Medicines recalls and warnings
    Making a complaint
  • Ministry of Consumer Affairs
  • Commerce Commission
    The Fair Trading Act
  • Advertising Standards Authority
    Therapeutic Products
    Therapeutic Services
    How to complain
  • Broadcasting Standards Authority
    Television and Radio Complains Procedures
  • Press Council
    How to complain
  • Consumers' Institute
  • Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

Global Resources

  • The Skeptics Dictionary - a guide for the new millennium.
  • The Skeptic News -- a "What's New" page for skeptics.
  • Skeptiseum - CSICOP's collection of paranormal and pseudoscience artifacts
  • - an entry site that gives access to five of the Web's leading debunking sites: Snopes;'s Urban Legends; CIAC; CERT; and Symantec's (Real) Virus Encyclopedia. There are also special reports and links to most of the better known scams and frauds.
  • Donald Simanek's Page -- an excellent collection of links and information
  • The Secular Web - Skeptical and secularist information
  • Darwin Day Great ideas for how you can can entertain and educate yourselves and others on Darwin's Birthday (February 12), including party ideas, movies reviews, lesson plans for teachers, children's activities, resources and links, with plans for global celebrations.
  • Museum of Hoaxes Remember that famous "find" that kept palaeontologists debating for decades -- the Piltdown Man? Well, this Museum does. Along with a variety of other spoofs dating back to before 1700.
  • The Trickster and the Paranormal George P. Hansen's review of Gordon Stein's Encyclopedia of the Paranormal.

Societies and Organisations

  • Australasia
    New Zealand Rationalists and Humanists
    Australian Skeptics
    Humanist Society of New Zealand
  • US/Canada
    US Skeptics' Society
    Tampa Bay Skeptics
    Philadelphia Association for Critical Thinking (PhACT)
    American Council on Science and Health
    Skeptics Canada - the freethinker's book discussion community
  • Europe
    Le Centre d'Action Laïque - Belgium French language site
    Spanish Skeptics - ARP - Sociedad para el Avance del Pensamiento Cr�tico email ARP


  • Michael Shermeer on how to fake UFOs
  • Michael Shermer on spoonbending
  • Michael Shermer's Out of Body Experiment
  • Michael Shermer and John Edwards
  • Michael Shermer and Firewalking
  • why intelligent design is wrong


  • Through the Fog
    Podcasts of the skeptical radio show from Phil Grey, David Riddell and Annette Taylor, courtesy of Community Radio Hamilton (select "Through the Fog" from the drop down list)
    also available via Access Internet Radio
  • Skepticality
    Skepticality is a hugely entertaining podcast that explores rational thought, critical thinking, science, and the de-bunking of the supernatural and psuedoscience. It features interviews with famous skeptics such as James Randi and Tom Flynn, as well as scientists, such as Phil Plait and Michael Shermer. The podcast also features general discussion of all things sceptical with its two intelligent hosts Swoopy and Derek.
  • Point of Inquiry
    Point of Inquiry is the radio show and podcast of the Center for Inquiry in Amherst, New York. The Center for Inquiry is a think-tank affiliated with the State University of New York at Buffalo and is devoted to promoting science, reason, and freedom of inquiry in every field of human interest. The podcast features interviews with leading figures including Richard Dawkins, Ibn Warraq and Joe Nickell.
  • A Skeptic Moment with Tim Kammer
    A Skeptic Moment is the podcast of Tim Kammer, a professional broadcaster, and is dedicated to the promotion of science and reason while giving the facts behind claims of paranormal, pseudoscience, ufo's, and astrology. Tim Kammer is the president for the Seattle Society for Sensible Explanations and is passionate about science and rational thought.
  • The Skeptics Guide to the Universe
    A weekly podcast from the New England Skeptical Society, The Skeptics Guide to the Universe discusses the latest news and topics from the world of the paranormal, fringe science, and controversial claims from a scientific point of view.


  • Universite de Nice Sophia-Antipolis (PDF 1.7MB) -- Broch's lecture "Teaching 'Paranormal versus Zetetics' at the University" first appeared in the (unpublished) Proceedings of the 10th European Skeptics Maastricht Congress, 1999
  • The Museum of Unworkable Devices, including Physis 101 or Perpetual Motion Machine Inventors

Special Topics

What Do We Do Next?

Over 100 practical ways to promote science and advance skepticism and critical thinking.

  • The eSkeptic introduction to the project:
  • Skepticality episode #98, audio discussion of project (MP3)
  • The big "What Do I Do Next?" PDF:
  • The point-form Quick Reference Guide:
  • The new "Skeptical Activism" page at
  • The new "Activism" section of the Skeptic Forum: